Monica is available on the following websites:
Etsy (New, Undergoing Construction) - This is Monica's Store-front Prairie Kitty. She opened her Etsy store in October 2016, so there's not much going on yet. She will be adding some original art and a lot of signed prints. Currently her fabric work is available.
- Instagram (Inforce, Updated Weekly) - Monica posts her weekly "Sunday Sketching" updates on Instagram, so there will always be current art viewable at this site.
- FaceBook (Inforce, Updated Frequently) - This is Monica's personal FaceBook page. Some art is available without being "friends", but due to Privacy Settings, Monica's FB page is not fully viewable. She will create a FaceBook Artist's page if there is enough interest in the future.
- Twitter (Inforce, Less Frequent Updates) - Monica has a Twitter account, but this page is updated much less frequently in favor of Instagram.